I love Jennifer Miller. Absolutely. Love. Her. Jennifer's books have humor, hot guys, and lots of steamy romance. When she asked me if I would like an ARC of Whispering Wishes I didn't hesitate to say yes. I loved her previous books, Pretty Little Lies and Pretty Little Dreams, so I couldn't wait to read her newest creation. Whispering Wishes will be officially released May 28th. Here's the blurb:

Be careful what you wish for...
Normally, Aspen Edwards will do anything for her
free-spirited best friend, Mischa, but this feels like a bit much. The plan is
simple, all Aspen has to do is write down a few affirmations and recite them
during the New Moon. But as skeptical as Aspen is, a promise is a promise. So,
she whispers each wish to the universe, pondering the possibilities of
"what if." Who wouldn't want a promotion at work, a new home, or to
become an irresistible sex goddess?
But Aspen’s luck doesn't change with the wishes, or the
wind. Each of her whispered prayers produces disaster. She gets fired. Her car
breaks down. She gets kicked out of her house. And of course there is the crap
icing on the cake of doom, falling for flirtatious and sexy, Wes, who sees her as
nothing more than his “little sis”. It might not be so bad if his house weren't
the only place she had to go.
Unbeknownst to her, the universe has a few tricks up its
sleeve, and Aspen's bad luck streak might just be putting her right where she
needs to be!
What I love about Jennifer's heroines is that they are always so relate-able. They're not perfect, funny things happen to them and they always get the hot guy. In Whispering Wishes we meet Aspen and she has horrible luck. Haven't we all had one of those days that everything just seems to go wrong and you find yourself shaking your fist and screaming "why me?" at the bad luck fairy? No? Just me? If I had been Aspen, I think I would have hunted down that damn bad luck fairy and taken her down! Aspen's luck begins to change when she meets Wes. Don't get me wrong, her luck still stinks, but she has Wes, along with her best friend Mischa to help her through it. I loved the way Jennifer introduced Wes into the story and the banter in that scene is hilarious. I fell in love with him from the very beginning. Wes is wonderful, swoon worthy, and NICE! Yes, he rides a motorcycle and yes, he wears a leather jacket and has a mohawk, but that's where the bad boy stops. He is a good guy, doesn't have mommy/daddy issues, and has a job. Despite Aspen's run of bad luck, she has a pretty normal life too. This is such a nice change from the popular story lines that everyone seems to be favoring lately. In Jennifer's third book, she proves that she doesn't need to conform to typical contemporary story lines to create a book that readers will love and that will stand out from the rest. She knows how to write a hilarious and very steamy romance that will have you not wanting to put it down until you've finished. Her writing is witty and fast paced with well developed characters. I highly recommmend Whispering Wishes and encourage you to check out all of Jennifer Miller's books. You won't be disappointed. Whispering Wishes is a stand alone with no cliffhanger.
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