My interview with Catherine Bybee, a review, and a giveaway!

1. What initially inspired the Weekday Brides Series? 
I wanted to write a bride for hire romance that featured a strong woman and a Duke. Why not? I love that trope in historical romances, so I wanted to explore it in contemporary.

2. In the beginning, did you plan to have this series, or was the first book, Wife by Wednesday, written as a stand-alone?
It was meant as a stand-alone. It’s highly publicized that Wife by Wednesday was originally written with the desire to publish with Harlequin. Once ‘the best rejection ever’ came across my desk, I bumped up a few things in the book and self published it. Once the book went viral, I knew I had a series on my hands.

3. Which book of the Weekday Bride series has been your favorite to write?
I love each book for different reasons. When I know the characters really well, as in Neil and Gwen, it is easier to write the book… but I can’t say that any one was a favorite to write.

4. Any favorite characters?
That’s like asking if I have a favorite child. LOL – I’d love to hang with Eliza, I think we have a lot in common. Then again, I can see myself sitting in a bar talking with all the women in this series. As for the men…there are some I’d like to ‘play with’ and other’s I would consider marrying. *wink*

5. What is your writing process?  Do you have any weird writing quirks?
My day starts with a workout, if I’m on my game. I spend the early hours cleaning out my inbox and taking direction on what ‘has to get done’ from my assistant. If I’m working on writing, I try and dive in after lunch. I take a break to schlep kids or make dinner, then find myself working late into the night. I tend to do my best writing when it’s dark. Not sure why. But it works for me.
Writing quirks? I’m a complete pantser so I find my story evolving as I write. I rush through the first draft and go back to clean it up after. I don’t know if that’s a quirk or not. I do try and have a title for a book before I start writing it.

6. We have all book boyfriends, and personally Neil is one of my top faves, do you have any book boyfriends?
Bless your heart! Neil is mine, lady…hands off. *wink* Yeah, I want Neil in the worst way. Sad to say that publicly, but it’s the way it is. Rick is a close second. I’m so shallow.

7. You are so great at connecting with your readers on social media, has there been anything that readers have said or done, concerning your books, that has surprised you?
Thanks. My readers, as in my fans, always surprise me. I love it when they really ‘get’ some of the underlying messages in my books. Certainly there is the boy meets girl, they fall in love, overcome conflict, and live happily-ever-after, but some of my heroes and heroines have some serious baggage they have to work out in order to grow. Life is never one-dimensional. I love it when my readers dig into the layers of my characters and connect with them. 

I have read each book in Catherine Bybee's Weekday Brides Series and each one has captured my heart. Each story incorporates all the characters, yet is uniquely written to capture each couples amazing love story.  In Taken by Tuesday we are given the awesomeness of Rick and Judy.  We have been introduced to Rick, Neil's best friend, in previous books, but in Taken by Tuesday we see him in all his full glory. Get your mind out of the gutter, we don't exactly get to see that side of Rick's full glory! While Neil, from Fiance by Friday, will be my favorite alpha male military man, Rick came in a close second.  What I loved about this story is that we start off the book knowing Rick wants Judy.  Rick never hides his attraction or his desire to have her.  I thought that was so refreshing, and to be honest, HOT!  Judy is young, but showed such maturity and drive.  She is focused on her career and doesn't want the distraction that is Rick (Rick is definitely a distraction!). As with Catherine's other books, there is plenty of heat, drama, and humor.  I'm not big on spoilers so you have to check out this story yourself, but the drama is intense!  Taken by Tuesday had me captured from the first page and I didn't want to put it down!  If you've read the other books in Catherine's Weekday Brides Series, this is the next must read in the series. If you haven't read the other books, dive in to Taken By Tuesday and I know it will leave you wanting to immediately read the rest!  Steamy-ness is HOT but tastefully written.  Catherine knows how to add steam to her stories.  

To purchase on Amazon:

College graduate Judy stands ready to conquer the world…if she can find a job. Hoping to transition from aspiring architect to famous architect as quickly as possible, the dark-haired beauty moves to LA, staying in the home of her celebrity brother, Michael Wolfe. But it’s hard for Judy to focus on work when the sexy bodyguard she fell for last summer keeps showing up in her life and leaving her breathless.

With his hard body, green eyes, and easy smile, Rick could have any woman he wants. But the Marine-turned-bodyguard only has eyes for Judy and her spitfire attitude. When a faceless villain attacks Judy, Rick will stop at nothing to protect the woman who opened his heart from the monster hunting her.

New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee was raised in Washington State, but after graduating high school, she moved to Southern California in hopes of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms. She now writes full-time and has penned the Weekday Brides Series and the Not Quite Series. Bybee lives with her husband and two teenage sons in Southern California.  


  1. Well... if you look close enough you can see 'that' side of Rick. *wink* Thanks for the spot on your blog and the lovely review.

    1. Thanks Catherine! "That" side of Rick is awesome in my mind...;)


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