I became a Molli Moran fan when I read her first book, As You Turn Away, and I was hooked on her writing. Her characters are deep, witty, funny, emotional and most importantly, REAL. Check out the blurb on her newest release, One Song Away.

Sophie-Claire Wright’s life is like a bad country song on
repeat. She keeps running into her cheating ex, her songwriting career isn't
taking off, and her roommate just kicked her out of their apartment. With
nothing to lose, she decides to do the one thing she said she’d never do: she
moves back home. She left her small Southern town with big dreams, but now
she’s going home with empty pockets.
Life moves at a slower pace in Sophie’s
blink-and-you’ll-miss-it hometown, but her well-meaning, matchmaking mama
doesn't have a slow gear. Sophie invents a boyfriend to hold off her mother’s efforts,
but she’s out of luck when her mom wants to meet him. Sophie panics until she
runs into Jake Cooper. Her high school crush (and former best friend) is back
in town, too, and when he asks her for a favor, she agrees...on one condition.
He says he’ll be her fill-in boyfriend, so it should be simple: re-introduce
him to her family and then “break up” with him after a few weeks.
Sophie is sure she’ll be able to resist Jake this time.
Sure, she was in love with him years ago, but that was then. This is now, no
matter how great he looks, or how she feels around him. But she didn't bargain
for moments that feel all too genuine. Dates that don’t seem fake. Kisses that
leave her shaken and wanting more. Sweet moments where she forgets they aren't
really dating. And she didn't count on old feelings resurfacing and
complicating their arrangement—which is starting to feel less like acting and
more like the real deal.
Soon, Sophie can’t tell which kisses are real or fake, but
she knows she’s in deep...and she thinks Jake is, too. When she gets a chance
to go back to Nashville and chase her dreams again, she has a choice to make:
stay or go? Continue hoping that the life she wants is one song away, or
finally write her own song?
I am a huge fan of Molli Moran and after reading One Song Away, she just might be my new BFF.....she just doesn't know it yet! This book had everything I love. Girl who secretly loves her best friend? Check. Pretend relationship that turns real? Check. Independent heroine who says what she thinks? Check. Best friends that are there for you at all times? Check. Hot guy? Double Check! When Molli wrote this book she put all the great things I love about romance in this story, but she added so much more! Not only did she have Jake and Sophie face their feelings for one another, but she had Sophie face her feelings of returning home and how she felt about staying. Is home where our heart is, or is home where we feel the most comfortable, the most loved, the most at HOME? I laughed, fell in love the the whole cast of characters and found myself teary eyed at seeing these characters evolve into the people they were meant to be. If you're looking for a romance with little angst, but lots of heart, and soul searching honesty, check out One Song Away!! Steamy-ness is moderate, but very tasteful and appropriate.
To purchase on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1x70TKw
Find Molli Moran:
Twitter: @MissMolliWrites
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/authormolliwrites
Tsu: http://www.tsu.co/MolliMoran
Website: http://booksandwhimsy.com/
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