Just when you think you know Penny Reid's writing, she goes and blows you away with yet another facet of her incredible writing. She is a master at creating strong, intelligent characters that battle personal demons and come out the other side with a stronger sense of who they are and what they want. Attraction had me hooked from the first scene. I knew I would love Parker as soon as I found her hiding in a closet. Martin, well it took me a while to like him, and honestly I still can't decide how I feel about him. I think his attraction/fascination with Parker is real and heart warming, but his strong personality and even stronger sexual advances, I admit, bothered me. I felt as though he was a little too strong and a little too alpha. The witty and playful banter between the two is authentic and fun. While I can admit I'm a little upset with Penny ending this installment with a cliffhanger, I know that the ride for these two has just begun and can't wait to see where it take them!
Elements of Chemistry: ATTRACTION is the first part in a
three part series; it is 45k words; and it ends with a cliffhanger.

Part 1 (ATTRACTION) will be released April 9, 2015
Part 2 (HEAT) will be released April 30, 2015.
Part 3 (CAPTURE) will be released May 16, 2015.
One week.
Private beach.
Invisible girl.
Jerk-faced bully.
What’s the worst that could happen?
Kaitlyn Parker has no problem being the invisible girl,
which is why she finds herself hiding in various cabinets and closets all over
her college campus. Despite her best efforts, she can’t escape the notice of
Martin Sandeke—bad boy, jerkface bully, and the universe’s hottest, wealthiest,
and most unobtainable bachelor—who also happens to be Kaitlyn’s chemistry lab
Kaitlyn might be the only girl who isn’t interested in
exploiting his stunning rower’s build, chiseled features, and family's
billionaire fortune. Kaitlyn wants Martin for his brain, specifically to
tabulate findings of trace elements in surface water.
When Kaitlyn saves Martin from a nefarious plot, Martin uses
the opportunity to push Kaitlyn out of her comfort zone: spring break, one
week, house parties, bathing suits, and suntan lotion. Can she overcome her
aversion to being noticed? Will he be able grow beyond his self-centered
nature? Or, despite their obvious chemistry, will Martin be the one to drive
Kaitlyn into the science cabinet of obscurity for good?
I jumped at the sound of my name coming from Martin’s lips
and turned to face him. I also, for reasons known only to my subconscious,
balled my hands into fists and lifted them between us, like I was prepared for
a fist fight or a boxing match.
He studied my defensive posturing and smirked, taking the
seat Sam had vacated without asking permission. Meanwhile I glared at him, my
mental wall up and prepped, though my hands fell back to my lap. I had to do
this because… super-hot boy alert level ten thousand.
“Sandeke,” I said. I knew I sounded ridiculous, like I was
greeting a sworn enemy, but I had to be on guard.
His gaze skated over my face then flickered to my hands,
still fists, on my lap. Then he gave my hands a smile. Apparently they amused
“Are you going to hit me?”
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “It depends on if you
take your pants off again.”
“You’ll hit me if I take my pants off?”
“Yeah… I might give you a junk-punch.”
He laughed, very loudly and very suddenly, and with the
complete abandon that comes from being surprised. But his laugh was a
radioactive seduction and had a half-life of infinity. I wanted him to stop
laughing never. It made his eyes crinkle and his mouth curve in a sinful smile,
showcasing his excellent dental hygiene regimen.
He also looked so different. He usually wore an expression
of perpetual unimpressed boredom. Perpetual unimpressed boredom was a good look
for him, a very good look. As were all the other expressions I’d seen, like
distrust, mischievous amusement, thunderous anger, unveiled interest, etc.
But laughter… he almost looked happy. Happiness on Martin
was a revelation of beauty and physical perfection married to excellent and
infectious good-mood-vibes. I let my fists drop. Less than a minute into our
first interaction on this trip and my carefully constructed defenses had been
virtually blown to bits.
“Oh, well. Barnacles.” I said to nothing and no one.
His laugh gradually receded and his eyes flickered over me.
“No more fists.”
“Nope. There’s no use,” I’m sure I sounded despondent.
“So you think I could take you in a fist fight?”
“I think you could take me whenever…” I shrugged. “If you
wanted to, and I really only have myself to blame.”
Martin narrowed his eyes, and they sharpened, surveying me.
“You don’t look happy about this.”
“I’m not.”
“Why not?”
I stared at him for a beat then freely admitted the truth.
“Here is the problem Martin. I feel like I like you.”
The sharpness in his gaze softened and his mouth curved into
a lazy, satisfied smile. “That doesn’t sound like a problem to me.”
“But it is,” I pressed. “Because the feeling originates
entirely in my pants.
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