Not only do I love books, but I love listening to live music, especially country music. I am dedicating Mondays to music and I hope you find some new-to-you artists and songs!

Today's featured country artist is Clayton Gardner. I came across Clayton's music on twitter from a friend's feed and realized he was a local musician. I gave his music a listen and was hooked. My hubby has also become a big fan and we have been lucky enough to hear Clayton live in concert several times. Each time, after seeing hime live, I become just a little bit bigger of a fan of him and his music than before. The music and sound you hear on his album is exactly, if not better, when you hear him live. His voice is distinct and pure with no need of any technological fillers or additives. Clayton's music is a great mix of traditional country music similar to George Strait, Tracy Lawrence, or Keith Whitely, but mixed with a sound that is uniquely his that makes for great music with lyrics that move your heart, while encouraging you to grab your honey and find the nearest dance floor. I encourage you to check out Clayton Gardner's music, I know you'll love it!

My Recommendations on His Music:
Favorite Song: What if We Fall- This song became my favorite the moment I heard it. LOVE IT!
Song that makes me want to dance: On his new album:
Buy You a Drink On his previous album, Lucky 7:
Love You Right
There might be tears when you listen to: Words (powerful song with beautiful lyrics written by Clayton)
Other songs you might like: Only Thing Missing(When I first downloaded his new album, Under the Lights, this song was stuck in my head for days.)
Don's Miss It,
Strong Enough to Leave
Find Clayton Gardner's music at iTunes,
Google Play and
You can find Clayton at:
Know any music that you think I should check out? Comment below or send me an email, I love finding new music!
* links were taken from
Awesome job, Angie--my book loving, country music loving soul sister! And you are so right, Clayton Gardner's music is great! Ummm...and he's pretty easy on the eyes:)