Website/social media links:

Describe your books in 3 words: Inspirational, Touching,
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Favorite thing about your genre: I really enjoy witty banter
and angst. The dialog between characters is very important to me, whether
writing or reading.
A genre that I would love to write: Paranormal Romance – I
wish I could. I don’t have the brain for it. LOL!
One thing readers would be surprised to know: I’m a chemist.
That’s my full-time job. I write on the side.
When writing, night owl or morning person? Due to my job, I
write at night, but my brain works better in the mornings. That’s usually when
I reread and edit.
When I’m writing I must have: Music. I draw a lot of my
characters emotions from the songs on my playlists.

I’m currently reading: Arsen by Mia Asher. Again.
My guilty pleasure: Tex-mex. I’m a sucker for it.
My favorite cover from my books: I love them all! I have
very been blessed with the artful covers provided to me by some amazing cover
artists. My most eye-catching is either The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller or
Under the Influence. They really portray the story. A lot said in the image.
Which character from your books do you most identify with:
All of my characters are a piece of me, for sure. So, really, I can’t pick just
one. Raven/Aubrey was amazing to write as her transition gave me room to play.
Dalton Greer, from Under the Influence is amazing. Incredibly broken but not irreparable.
My number one book boyfriend is: Travis Maddox. My first
book boyfriend!
Come see me! I will be at the following book signings:
Hard Rock Author Event in Tulsa, OK May 2nd.
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