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Get to know Mark Perini! Mark was gracious enough to answer a few questions for the blog and I hope to have him back in the future! Keep reading for a giveaway at the bottom of the page!
Website/social media links:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/marktperini
Twitter: http://twitter.com/marktperini
Instagram: http://instagram.com/markperini/
My newest release:
Halfway Perfect
Describe your books in 3 words: Inspiring, passionate, & intriguing
Genre: Contemporary YA
Favorite thing about your genre:
I love realistic fiction, mainly because I think
Contemporary YA really speaks to problems and issues that readers face in their
everyday lives. These are things that maybe no one has taught them or spoken to
them about before. Hopefully, while reading there’s that moment of “Wow,
someone else is going through this same thing I am.” For me, there's comfort in
A genre that I would love to write:
I would love to write a Sci-Fi/Fantasy book. Akin to Lord of
the Rings or A Song of Ice & Fire, but with a big brother/dystopian element
something like the Bartimaeus series by Jonathan Stroud.
One thing readers would be surprised to know:
I’ve never met Julie Cross who co-authored Halfway Perfect
with me. We will be meeting for the first time at our launch event.
When writing, night owl or morning person?
Night Owl
When I’m writing I must have:
My Bose headphones and some Indie jams.
Pantser or Plotter?
Pantser forever and always.
I’m currently reading:
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King
My guilty pleasure:
I love video games, could easily get lost in a game for
hours. Fall Out New Vegas is a current favorite.
My favorite cover from my books:
Halfway Perfect is my debut novel with Julie Cross so it
wins the prize by default. However, my favorite part of the cover is the
typography. It’s distinct and I think it’ll stand out on the shelf.
Which character from your books do you most identify with:
Alex has a lot of qualities that I hold near and dear to my
heart. I think when you write, a piece of yourself inevitably slips through,
well at least in my world.
My number one book girlfriend is:
Daenerys Targaryen from George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice
& Fire series. She’s courageous, adventurous & fiercely loyal.
Moreover, she lives every day to the fullest.
Come see me! I will be at the following book signings:
May 8th, 6-8 PM at Books of Wonder
18 West 18th street in NYC. You can meet Julie and me two
for one!
My next release:
Will hopefully be my solo project a paranormal YA. But the
sequel to Halfway Perfect will be out
May 2016.

Website: http://www.juliecrossbooks.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Juliecross1980
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