I've been in a reading rut. You know, when all the books you read tend to be the same. Handsome boy meets gorgeous girl, there's some mischief or misunderstanding, they work it out and all is great. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but sometimes you need a little reality check. Men are handsome and women are gorgeous, but you have to also consider that we're human and we all battle age, weight, stretch marks and other nuisances that we hate about our bodies. Do we like to think about them when we're in our fictional reading worlds? Not really, but when an author takes those little quirks and makes them into funny and lighthearted look at real life romance, it makes us feel a little better about ourselves. M. E. Carter did just that with her book, Getting a Grip. This story is fantastic and once I started, I couldn't put it down. I laughed, I cried, and I laughed some more. Just like M.E, the dialogue is witty, sarcastic and fun. If you've ever had a chance to meet her, you know what I'm talking about. The characters are real and the story is relatable. Can I please share a glass of wine with Elena and Callie?!?
My quick review:
Title: Getting a Grip
Author: M.E Carter
Rating: 5 Stars
Steamy-ness Factor:
HEA: You'll have to wait and see...
Humor: definitely
Recommendation: YES!
Sequel: Balance Check

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